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Deer River, Minnesota

04/11/22 - Council Minutes



I. Call to order 6:00 P.M.


II. Present - Mayor Steve Geving, council members Pat Richards, Barb Serfling, Dan Graf, and Sharon Geving. Also present, Assistant City Administrator Sarah Nelson, Police Chief Brian Castellano, Public Works Working Foreman Rick Rogich.


III. Pledge and Prayer


IV. Minutes - After discussion, motion by Pat, second by Sharon to approve the March 28th regular meeting
minutes as amended. MCU. Motion by Pat, second by Barb to approve the March 29th working session meeting minutes as written. MCU. Motion by Pat, second by Barb to approve the April 4th special meeting minutes as written. MCU. Motion by Pat, second by Sharon to approve the April 5th special meeting minutes as amended. MCU


V. Bills - After discussion, motion by Pat, second by Dan to approve payroll, the bills in the amount of $41,426.09 and inter-fund loans to cover negative fund balances. MCU


VI. Attorney - Andy was not present.

Public Works

VII. Public Works - Rick let the council know that the lift station by Cenex needs to be repaired. The check valves on the pump aren’t working. They have to pump it down and check it every day, except for the weekends to make sure that doesn’t cause any issues. The panels need to be replaced, and the guide rails are rusted out along with a couple other things. Rick got two quotes and recommended Quality Flow to repair the lift station for $10,420.00. After discussion, motion by Dan to approve the bid of $10,420.00 to repair the lift station, second by Pat. MCU

Rick explained to the council that SEH would like to have Comstock jetted and televised for the upcoming project. There were two quotes that came in, one from Rapids Rooter for $4,249.00, and one from Nelson Sanitation for $2,770.73. Rick recommended Nelson Sanitation to the council. After discussion, motion by Dan, second by Pat to approve the bid for Nelson Sanitation. MCU

City Wide Clean up Days is April 30th and May 1st . There will be dumpsters set up by the City garage on both of those day for city residents to dispose of approved items. Lift station service checks are scheduled for the end of May. When the weather permits, hydrant flushing, sewer flushing, and street sweeping will be started. Mapping will also be done when time allows.

Sharon asked rick about the pot holes. Rick explained that they will be patched when it dries up a little more.

Motion by Dan, second by Barb to approve the public works report. MCU


VIII. Administration - Sarah let the council know about the public open house via Zoom for the FEMA Flood Map information, on Tuesday, April 12th from 5pm to 7pm. This meeting is to provide information on the flood protection standards and flood insurance, and to answer any questions the public may have.

Sarah asked the council for approval on the Mayor to sign the refunding bond documents needed by Fryberger. Motion by Dan, second by Sharon to approve the Mayors signature on the bond documents. MCU

Sarah reminded the council that The Board of Appeal and Equalization for the City of Deer River will meet on April 27, 2022 at 9:30am, at the Deer River City Hall.

Sarah informed the council that Mark had submitted another trail grant application. He is also working on a playground plan for Lundeen Park as there has been some funding received.

The council was reminded of the working session meeting on Tuesday at 4:00 to discuss employee contracts.

The Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Deer River and SEH was presented. This agreement is for the South Infrastructure project which includes 2nd Street SE, 4th Ave SE, 3rd Street SE Alley (South), 3rd Street SE Alley (North). Dan asked about the fees. Sarah explained that the lump sum of $247,320.00 is 9 percent of the total construction cost that will be paid out monthly as the work is performed. Motion by Dan to approve the Agreement for Professional Services for SEH to provide construction services for the South Infrastructure Project as presenting in the SEH agreement in the amount of $247,320.00, second by Sharon. MCU

Sarah presented the agreement between the City of Deer River and Casper Construction for the South Infrastructure Imporvements Project. Motion by Pat, second by Barb to approve and sign the agreement. MCU

Motion by Dan, second by Pat to approve the administrative report. MCU


IX. Other - Brian let the council know that Cody will be starting April 18th.


XIII. Adjournment - Motion by Sharon, second by Pat to adjourn. MCU. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM.


Respectfully submitted by, Sarah Nelson, Assistant City Administrator.



Approved by the City Council at the regular meeting on April 25th, and signed by Mayor Geving.


Deer River Contacts

Deer River City Hall: (218) 246-8195

Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 4:30pm

License Bureau: (218) 246-8691
Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 4pm

Police Department: (218) 246-2525

Emergency Please Call 911

Fire Department: (218) 246-8055

Emergency Please Call 911

Public Works: (218) 246-8195

Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 4:30pm

Gopher State One Call: Dial 811

Emergency Locates 1-866-640-3637

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60 2nd Street SE, PO Box 70

Deer River, MN 56636

(218) 246-8195

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