Gateway To The Chippewa National Forest

Deer River, Minnesota
03/14/22 - Council Minutes
I. Call to order 6:00 P.M.
II. Present - Mayor Steve Geving, council members Barb Serfling, Sharon Geving, Dan Graf, and Pat Richards, present Deputy Clerk RaeAnne Lattimore, Police Chief Brian Castellano, Public Works Foreman Rick Rogich, and resident Kelly Reed. George Eilertson with Northland securities attended via Zoom Meeting.
III. Pledge and Prayer
IV. Minutes - After discussion, motion by Pat, second by Barb, to approve the regular meeting minutes as amended. MCU Motion by Pat second by Dan to support the working session meeting minutes as written. Motion by Pat, second by Sharon to approve the special meeting minutes as written. MCU
V. Bills - Motion by Pat, second by Sharon, to approve the bills for $58,887.21 and allow intern-fund loans to cover any negative fund balances. MCU.
VI. George Eilertson explained the refunding note that the city has to take out. George explained that the new note and terms would be at a lower interest rate than the original note. The loan will continue to be with Bremmer Bank for three years, callable at any time. The Council thanked George for his help.
VII. Motion by Pat, second by Barb to move Kelly Reed up on the agenda. MCU. The post office has notified Kelly that her mail will not be delivered until the ice is removed from in front of the mailbox. Kelly said the city scrapped the ice on the streets but left it, and then it froze. Rick will remove the snow on Tuesday. Kelly asked for King Lane to be sanded. She said it is a layer of ice. Rick will take care of it. Kelly said that she had noticed a decrease in water pressure at her residents. Rick gave her some suggestions on what to look at as potential problems. Kelly will let the city know if the pressure issue continues.
Public Works
VIII. Public Works Report Rick received the final agreement from the county for contracted services.
The skid loader has by down for about a month. All of the repairs will be covered under warranty.
The dump truck is having belly blade problems. This repair will be covered under warranty.
There was a problem with the alarm on the water tower. Rick is working on getting with the alarm
company to resolve the issue.
Rick asked the Council if they would want sidewalks and streetlights built into the Comstock Dr project.
The consensus is to have both items built into the project.
Dan asked to have the curbs and hydrants painted this spring. There’s a problem with people parking in
front of the hydrants.
Motion by Pat, second by Sharon, to approve the contract with Itasca County for the street grading and
dust control. MCU. Motion by Dan, second by Pat to approve the Public Works report. MCU
IX. Administrator Report Motion by Dan, second by Sharon to approve resolution 2022-08, a resolution recognizing the BBQ and Brew fest as a community-wide event. MCU
Motion by Pat, second by Sharon to approve resolution 2022-09, a resolution supporting the community trail system. MCU
Motion by Pat second by Sharon to allow the Mayor and Administrator to sign the municipal temporary note. MCU. This is a construction loan to be used in city-wide infrastructure projects.
The Council has offered April 4th and 5th as dates to meet with the unions.
The Fire Relief has applied for a raffle license.
Motion by Dan, second by Barb to approve the Administrator’s report. MCU.
X. Other - Brian is hoping to have the background check completed this week.
The vet clinic will be in April. Brian will lock down a date soon.
XI. Adjournment - Motion by Dan, second by Sharon to adjourn. MCU. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM.
Respectfully submitted by, Mark Box, City Administrator.
Approved by the City Council at the regular meeting on March 28th, and signed by Mayor Geving.