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Deer River, Minnesota

01/10/22 - Council Minutes



I. Call to order 6:00 PM.


II. Present - Mayor Steve Geving, council members Pat Richards, Barb Serfling, and Dan Graf. Also present, City Administrator Mark Box, Police Chief Brian Castellano, and Public Works Foreman Rick Rogich. Nobody attended via Zoom Meeting.


III. Pledge and Prayer


IV. Minutes - After discussion, Pat’s motion, second by Barb, to approve the regular meeting minutes as written. MCU Motion by Pat second by Barb to approve the working session meeting minutes as written.


V. Bills - None

Public Works

VI. Public Works Report - Rick gave a short report updating the council on how the snow removal has been going. Everyone has been very busy, and all the equipment is working great.


Rick continues to work with Itasca County on an agreement for grading our gravel streets.


The metering manhole is going to be installed on Thursday, the 13th. Motion to approve the Public Works report by Pat, second by Barb. MCU.


VII. Administrator Report - Mayor Geving made the 2022 appointments. Department liaisons, Fire Department, Dan Graf, Police Department, Barb Serfling, Administrative Office/ License Bureau, Pat Richards, Public Works, Dan Graf. Named the Grand Rapids Herald-Review as the City's official newspaper. Financial institutions, Northview Bank Deer River, Woodland Bank Deer River, Deer River Credit Union, League of Minnesota Cities 4-M Fund, and Northland Securities. Meeting Dates, unless otherwise posted, will be the second and fourth Mondays at 6:00 PM. Work sessions will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 4:00 PM. Civil Defense director, Steve Jurvelin, City Attorney, Shaw Law Office, City personal Attorney, John Licke, City Engineer, SEH. City Administrator and Zoning official, Mark Box. Building Inspector, Murray Ward, Deputy Clerk/Deputy Registrar, RaeAnne Lattimore, Police Chief Brian Castellano, and City Forester John Tornes. Personnel Committee, Dan Graf and Barb Serfling, Ordinance Committee Pat Richards and Dan Graf, Blight Committee, Dan Graf, and Pat Richards. Motion by Pat, second by Barb, to approve the appointments. MCU


After reviewing the fees and fines rates, motion by Pat, second by Dan to approve the fees and fines rate schedule as presented with no changes. MCU


Motion by Barb, second by Pat, to appoint Sterle & Co. as the City's auditors for 2022 and allow the Mayor and Administrator to sign the engagement letter. MCU.


Motion by Dan, second by Pat, to extend the Century 21 land sales agreement for 2022. MCU Motion by Dan, second by Pat to approve the Administrator’s report. MCU.


VIII. Other - Brian explained that the lack of part-time officers and other officers resigning has made it challenging to take time off. Brian requested to be allowed to carry over a portion of his accrued compensation and vacation hours and either be paid for a part or be allowed to put money into his health care savings plan. After discussion, motion by Barb, second by Dan to allow Brian to carry over, be paid for, and/or put money into his health care saving account. MCU.


Brian requested to start the interview process with the applicants that he has. Brian said that he expects Jeremy to have a job offer and be done by the beginning of February. Brian would like to conduct interviews and background checks on those who qualify. There would be no job offer until Jeremy has officially resigned from his position. Motion by Barb, second by Dan to set up the interviews. MCU.


IX. Adjournment - Motion by Dan, second by Barb to adjourn. MCU. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Mark Box, City Administrator.




Approved by the City Council at the regular meeting on January 24th, 2022, and signed by Mayor Geving.


Deer River Contacts

Deer River City Hall: (218) 246-8195

Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 4:30pm

License Bureau: (218) 246-8691
Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 4pm

Police Department: (218) 246-2525

Emergency Please Call 911

Fire Department: (218) 246-8055

Emergency Please Call 911

Public Works: (218) 246-8195

Hours: Monday - Friday | 8am - 4:30pm

Gopher State One Call: Dial 811

Emergency Locates 1-866-640-3637

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60 2nd Street SE, PO Box 70

Deer River, MN 56636

(218) 246-8195

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